
Said ("sigh-eed") is from a rural Egyptian town seven hours outside of Cairo. Eleven years ago he won the visa lottery and moved to New York. He didn't know anyone, and didn't speak any English.
Said and wife have been married four years. Said's cousin was supposed to marry her, but the cousin didn't like her, and Said stepped in. Said loves his wife. They have a 2.5 year old son together. "I want at least four kids," he says. Said's wife and son still live in Egypt. “I’ve completed all the paperwork, but things are moving slow because of Covid.” It’s been a year since he’s seen them.
Said's been driving Uber for seven years. He works 5am to 5pm, six days a week. “This is a hard life,” he says. On his days off he likes to go shopping and eat at the diner. He works nine months a year, and then spends three months with his family back in Egypt.
Said is grateful, happy, and infectiously optimistic.